Monday, November 2, 2009

more of amy's floral!

if you're wondering if im obsessed with amy's floral design, the answer is yes. i am. i think amy does such a fantastic job with creating unique and beautiful floral arrangements that add such life to weddings and events. not to mention amy is just an awesome gal. i worked with her to capture some of her creations back at our september photo shoot so she could have some new fresh images for advertisement purposes. below is the ad that she and the fabulous designer kelly ashworth worked together to create using the images from our photo shoot. this ad will be running in the Arizona Bride Magazine sometime early next year and im honored to have had a part of this project.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

gorgeous! GREAT pictures and an awesome ad design. IM glad you had a part in it too!! so cool. is this the first time your photos will be published?? love you. so proud.