Friday, January 30, 2009

a library... being used for something useful.

its official. the most time ive ever spent in a library was during a photo session. not studying, not being quiet, not checking out books, it was beautiful. i seriously cannot stand reading, therefore a library is the last place i would ever want to "hang out" in. but something about the colors and lines of the hundreds of bookshelves in the NAU library have just been calling my name ever since ive gotten here. i could not ignore it any longer. so i did what needed to be done. i released all of this built up creative frustration and had a photo shoot IN THE LIBRARY! and let me tell you... its one of my favorites yet. the moment i saw greg & alissa in their mustard and maroon sweaters, i knew this would be a successful time. one thing i do appreciate about books is their cover designs. well, i should clarify: only the hardback, worn out, vintagey ones with cool writing on the front. and their sweaters seemed to fit perfectly in the sea of these beautifully designed books we found ourselves in. i just loved being in there, using all of those resources for something completely non educational and just fun. the complete opposite of what a library is. (well at least to me)
aqui are some favorites...if the above picture had dialogue, it would go something like this:

greg: hey i've seen you around school... my name's greg.
alissa: oh yeah, hi. im alissa, i think we have math together...?
greg: thats right, we do! well listen, i was kinda hopin i could take you out sometime... socially.
alissa: yeah definitely, i'd like that greg.

ya know... something perfect out of a 50's movie or something. thats just how i imagine it. please dont judge i know what happened here? no. but i like it.i love all the line usage in this one. the legs, the shelves, the books.come on get higher....and then i had them dance in the library. "greg can you put alissa up on that high ledge? oh wait! alissa, are you even comfortable with that?"
i love when people are willing to try whatever i ask of them.

random library story 1: one time last semester i was in a hurry to get a book i needed before the library closed. so obviously i brought my razor scooter that joel got me and definitely rode it throughout the library, in and out of bookshelves. no one even saw. so great.

random library story 2: this guy once told me that on ocassion he and his friends get together and play sardines in the library. ok seriously... how fun would that be. i love it.

so here's to using libraries for things they are not intended to be used for. like photoshoots or scooter riding or games. i fully support it. let me know if you have had any crazy library experiences or if you have any ideas for some.

alissa and greg: you guys rocked this in your mustard//maroon sweaters. thanks.


Adriane said...

One time in my freshman year, we had a scavenger hunt in the library. So fun.

Anonymous said...

um why are you the cutest most creative person EVER?!?! i love the library idea, so great.

Julie said...

yo steph. :) Ha! I have been an unfaithful blog reader lately. my apologies. but, just want to say i am highly impressed with everything on this baby. also, people used to sleep in the UU library after hours. slumber parties among the book stacks. i was always too scared. now, i regret it. words of wisdom from a very old, very wise me: sleep in the library. LYLAS! (really!) Can't wait to see you NEXT week.