Monday, January 19, 2009

my latest obsession.

discovery of this awesome stamp making lady...

designing this...
this amazing custom made rubber stamp!front:back:
hand carved. seriously look how talented she is!
wonderful ribbon...+
simple tags and envelopes...= !!!!!!!BAM! new client thank you notes!

they fit just perfectly in my new S B mugs from hillissa!

life without rubber stamps, ribbon, envelopes, colbie caillats "something special" song, and awesome mugs would not be much of a life at all.

.............i love projecting...........

thanks awesome stamp making lady... you've changed my life.


Kelsey W said...

SO. BOMB. i dont even need a stamp for anything and this makes me want one! your tags are adorable!

janae said...

Steph! I love the wonderful! What a talented lady..she really makes those by hand? WOW. Hope the flagstaff life is treating you well!

Unknown said...

this changes my life.

maca-Roni Asalli said...

Not to be a creeper or anything, but i just got lost in your blog. I didnt know you were so good at photography. SICK!! is that your major?