Sunday, February 8, 2009


a few weeks ago i had the greatest opportunity to photograph some of the rooms that Stephanie's Little Luxuries (the retail/interior design shop i work at in phoenix) has designed. i had such a blast interacting with the kids in their adorable rooms. i think they loved it so much because i told them to jump on their bed or read me a book. in fact, when i asked one of the little girls to jump up on her bed she gave me a confused look and said "mommy doesnt let me do that." i didnt quite know what to say to this little 3 year old putting me in my place. so we got moms permission and continued playing. these shots were very unique and fun for me because for once, i was not aiming to highlight the person in the photos. my objective was to capture to rooms and their design being lived in. with that being said, you will notice that all of the shots feature the kids in a blurry focus. this is on purpose. just wanted to clarify that and defend myself. lame. : )these kiddos were just too much. i dont even want to know what their parents had to deal with once i left. "but MOMMMM! she let us do it!" once again i am reminded how fortunate i am to have such fun doing something i love and to be getting paid for it.

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