i, stephanie barber, admit to being a blog stalker.
i cant hide it any longer. im over it.
i try to hide the fact that their blogs are on my favorites list. i dont like admitting that ive seen probably every one of the posts they've done. and im embarrassed to tell you that after turning my computer on and checking emails, their blogs are the next to be visited. but you see, i love their work. and im inspired/happy/educated when i look at their blogs. that is what art is all about. drawing inspiration and emotion from other people, places, or things. so WHHYY have i had such a hard time admitting this blog stalking to not only myself, but to YOU? this i do not know. ive come to realize that if i love their work, i need to share.
so, here ya go!
amy f is this stinkin adorable gal with the funkiest and greatest decorating ive ever seen. not to mention she is a talented photographer as well.
kacey luvi is a talented and funky photographer with editing skills that i love. kacey is also a killer makeup artist who incorporates these skills into her work.
stephanie fay is a brilliant and acclaimed photographer with absolutely stunning work. she just got hooked up with a new amazing website and blog. i am happy to say that she will be snapping photos on natalie & jareds big day!
so there ya have it... 3 of the blogs that i stal... i mean visit on a regular basis : ) i am no longer ashamed, embarrassed or hesitant to admit it. i hope you visit each of their blogs and enjoy every bit of it.
oh, one more thing. i hope that i am leading by example with this post and encouraging you all to TELL ME if you are here! i love hearing from my blog visitors and hearing about the random people who stumble upon here. so leave a comment or something! blogs are here for us to view and converse about whatever may be on them. and i can tell you that as an artist it often feels like no one appreciates the work you are putting out there and that you're simply never good enough. but alot of the time just knowing that someone is taking the time to look means more than you may know.
i like how robert martin (whoever that is) says it best:
just promise me that if you're reading this and you frequently visit me here, you'll tell me...? thank you, that sounds wonderful. (who knows, maybe i'll randomly select one of your names for a special prize just for being encouraging...)
i cant have a post without a photo so i dug around for something totally random and pointless to post...

i drew this on my hand the other day and loved the typography i replicated... i wish i could do it that good every time, but for now i will just keep track of this photo to reference back to :) the EX stands for Exodus. So its a passage in scripture, Exodus 15:11... talkin about how unique and awesome God is. good stuff right there.
blog stalker steph.
1 comment:
OK, OK, I've been blog stalking you (as I recently admitted to you in an e-mail). If you will come out and say it, I suppose I should too. ;)
I love your work. You are so talented, and I log on every day to see if you have any new posts! :) Keep up the good work (and thanks for YOUR encouragement via e-mail...haven't had a chance to reply yet)
-Katie Watson
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