Sunday, September 13, 2009

jeff & erica... married!!

what a beautiful day it was. roughly 120 guests gathered yesterday morning at stonebridge manor to watch jeff & erica become one. the day was filled with so much love and joy that i found myself smiling behind my camera 99% of the time. the other 1% i was just wiping the sweat off my forehead. (over share?) but ya know what... even in the midst of the az heat, the day was beautiful and completely perfect in every way. erica & jeff are absolutely made for one another and it was my privilege to play this role in a day that proved just that. their love for the Lord, each other, and their friends and family was evident in every aspect of the day's events which made everything so fun to capture. my heart just rejoices over their discovery of each other and the life i know they will faithfully and happily lead together. im going to stop talking and just caption the images as you see them... how about that? i could go on and on.... but.... yeah...

erica was a stunning bride, duh! she looked perfect in her elegantly fabulous dress. (scroll down to read more about why erica was so beautiful)

and here is her handsome groom, jeffrey.

jeff had a little note delivered to his bride before the ceremony : )

they both couldnt stand not being down there with each other and all of their friends and family

erica's pure heart and emotions were my favorite to watch all day. you can try all you want but you wont find a sweeter spirit than erica's and i so appreciated how she wore her emotions on her sleeve all day long.

see what i mean?!


then it was off to take their first few photos as man & wife...

these two just look so good with eachother

some of my favorite shots from the day were from their first dance

sweet father daughter dance, i overheard them talking about how good the food was. love it.

LOVE this shot of frey with his momma... so special.

jeff&erica asked todd (my former youth pastor) if he would marry them and i believe this photo shows why. jeff and todd have such an awesome and hilarious friendship and i just had to throw in this random photo. reminds me of the good ole days. i love it.

after the sneak peek post, several friends have commented that they cant believe jeff is carrying a louis vutton bag. on behalf of my good friend (and client) i must say that the bag simply depicts jeff practicing servanthood within his first few hours of being married and carrying his wife's bag. way to go jeffe, way to go.

i smile just thinking about the day. everything was such a pleasure to enjoy and document.

jeffrica: i hope you guys have a complete BLAST in cancun. im so happy that you're in love, married, and i got to watch it all unfold : ) enjoy these photos for a lifetime, post honeymoon of course.


Kristin said...

LOVE these pictures! you captured the most beautiful day so perfectly. they will love these

Stonebridge Manor said...

Great job Stephanie! We loved Erica and Jeff and will miss being around their positive, beautiful spirits!