max (green shirt) is such a go getter. he's always lookin for the next new thing to try and the next person to entertain. he is not afraid to let you know whats up.
rocco (blue shirt) is a bit more reserved and, as the younger brother, takes the role as the follower. he is so observant of the world around him and the littlest things matter so much to him.
dave and andrea perfectly fit with each of the boys and are there for them 100%, as seen by the tight grasps on both boys hands. as the parents, they might feel differently about the descriptions above but these are just a few observations ive made during my time hanging out with this sweet unit of 4.
i love that a picture can tell a story. i love the story this picture tells. the end.
oh by the way, i have some exciting photo/design work to come! look out for...
-a birth announcement for mr. aiden
-a darling gal's professional photos
-school design projects (classes/projects are in full swing people, watch out.)
how was everyone's tye dye tuesday? tell me all about it.
sincere love,
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