Thursday, August 6, 2009

and it was all yellow

the new roomies and i went out in search for stuff we need for our apartment (aka: the house) in flagstaff. i guess NEED is not really the best term, mostly we got things that will make our small on campus apartment more of a home. so basically just stuff we want. : ) in the middle of buying things like spatulas, cookie sheets, and dish towels (borrrrrrrrinnggg) we couldnt help but think about (exciting) stuff like furniture and wall art. its hard to stay away from stuff in thrift stores when we all know its true potential. like this ugly wooden end table we ended up buying!

(here it is before, with some primer we already had goin on it)

it was nothin special, just a boring oak(?) table. but NOW, i am pleased to present you with...

something fun AND special!!

a project the roomies and i spent all afternoon working on. the perfect little yellow table for our little space. ------> YELLOW! so much better than plain wood. we are thrilled with the results and cannot wait to see it in our apartment with all of our other fun mismatched decor. like these orange lamps that i blogged about forever ago (!!!!!!!!) yes, i ended up buying them. cant you just SEE one of those on here? L.O.V.E. (!!!!!!!!!!)
we're STOKED on this table people. stoked.

our next project for the afternoon was some decorative wall art...

i had a few empty canvases layin around just waiting to be painted. and i feel kinda bad because, we didnt paint them. we actually covered them with fabric! dont be mad. because they look awesome. we found this floral fabric that was specifically designed for us, it must have been because it fits each of our personalities and styles SO well. its meant to be, us and this fabric. so yeah these canvases will hang somewhere in a row like this, probably above our couch or something. which by the way cross your fingers ends up being a vintage love seat of some kind!

do you just LOVE that floral fabric? because i know you do, same here!

we also got all the little stuff we needed, like the boring kitchen utensils and stuff. but i didnt feel those were blog worthy, strange because not much in my life is left off the blog, whether worthy or not. hmm, maybe another post later about the kitchen utensils? (naaaaah, kidding.) anyway, it was a successful and fun day spent with my new roommates getting ready for our new place up in the high country.

love them, love projects, love yellow.

can you tell? : )
-------------------------steph b.------

1 comment:

Audrey Henderson said...

Looks great Steph! I can only imagine what the rest of your new place will look like- can't wait to see it someday!